Administrators have Guide Manager privileges and agents have Guide Viewer privileges by default. Agents can be granted Guide Manager privileges as needed.
Overview of available roles
Guide supports the following user roles with different Help Center access privileges:
- Anonymous user is anybody who visits the Help Center without signing in.
- End user is somebody who has created an account and signed in to the Help Center.
- Guide Viewer is any regular Zendesk Support agent without Guide Manager privileges.
- Light agents (Support Professional add-on and Enterprise add-on) have Guide Viewer privileges for accessing content.
- Light agents on Guide Lite and Professional cannot create or edit articles.
- Light agents on Guide Enterprise and Legacy can create and edit articles where agents have permission.
Permission for agents to view and edit knowledge base articles or community posts is not part of the role permissions, but is set the article level for the knowledge base and at the topic level for community.
- Guide Manager has full privileges in Guide.
For a list of specific permissions by role, see the section, Guide user privileges by role.
Setting content viewing and editing access for agents
Guide Managers have full access to the Help Center, including the ability to view all articles in the Guide admin and the ability to add, edit, and publish all content. These privileges are not part of the Guide Viewer role for agents by default, but are set at the article level for the knowledge base and at the topic level for community.
For the knowledge base, see the following articles to set agent viewing and editing access:
- Setting agent editing and publishing permissions on knowledge base articles
- Setting view permissions on articles with user segments
- Understanding agent privileges for user management permissions
For community, see the following articles to set agent viewing and editing access:
I have Guide locked down to users who are signed in via SSO. However, agents / light agents with 'Viewer' permission do not have access to the Guide. How can I resolve this?
Hi Katerina,
If you have light agents, they can still access your Guide Help Center as a viewer. Are you having a problem setting up SSO for your light agents? If you can further share what would you like to achieve then we can certainly help you!
Thanks Vera, I missed a setting but it's working now.
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