Schedule articles to publish in Guide Completed
We have recently decided to send weekly emails with updates to a section in our Help Center. We generally draft up the email the day before.
Is it possible to schedule a time for the post to be published rather than have go back and manually publish each time?
Totally agree with this request. It would be great to have articles we’ve developed during a sprint to be set to publish automatically on release day without having someone logging in and pressing a button at a certain time.
Hi everyone. This feature has been prioritized and is on the roadmap for development. We don’t have an ETA to share yet, but stay tuned and we’ll share updates as they become available.
Any update on when this feature will be available? I’m holding my breath!
You can breathe again, Michelle because we are excited to announce that scheduled publishing is now available in Guide Enterprise!
Read documentation on how to use it here: Scheduling articles for publishing
Your feedback here had a direct impact on this feature. Thank you all for your feedback, and for helping to make Zendesk’s products better.
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