Notifications on Help Center article comments Answered

Katerina Lake

Hi Community members,

How do I get notified when a new comment has been posted on a published Help Center article? I can’t seem to find the option to activate this. Can anyone help me?



  • Comment author
    Will Gates

    Hi Katerina, if you created the article then you should be automatically subscribed to that article. If the article was created by someone else then you should be able to subscribe/follow it.

  • Comment author
    Katerina Lake

    Thanks for the response, Will. I just tested that and it works ok.

    Is there a way for all agents to be automatically notified of comments on all articles without having them to subscribe individually to each one?

  • Comment author
    Michelle Perkins

    Apparently there is not an easy way to automatically subscribe agents to all articles. As I understand it, you can subscribe agents to articles via the API however I believe the Help Center API is still in beta so you would need to go sign up for that beta.

    If you’re doing this in Help Center you’ll want to look at this guide: You can sign up for the API beta here.

  • Comment author
    Katerina Lake

    Thanks Michelle. I’ve signed up for the API beta access and will report back on how it goes.


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